Dear All, I found this plant near my land, it is wild, it looks very attractive, I found alot of bees on the flowers, the circumfernce is almost two meter, very nice green color, I took these pictures with my mobile so I hope it is clear, by the way the last time it rained in this area about mid of April, please can you identify it, thanks
Thanks, I had a look at the picture in the internet and I found it very similer, I will try to take some picture with my camera again bearing in mind the pics which I have seen on the internet, thanks again
It is Capparis spinosa. I have seen it throughout Jordan. My kids and i picked the capers, which grow abundantly, and pickled them in jars (mukhalal). i love this plant, but i read it doesn't grow easily from seed, and my cuttings didn't survive.
Sorry I am out of Jordan now, I did not have a chance to take more pictures, I'll be back by the end of this month and hopefully it still flourish,I will take more pics then, I think division could work for propagation