I pick a black berry in late June and early July, that I call wild, in that I believe it is native to B.C. The question I have is what is it's botanical name? The berry is smalll and grows close to the ground.
I do not believe it is a wild raspberry as the vines grow along the ground and reach lenghts, of several feet. I would think that the best description of the berry is that it is small rarely being larger than a thimble, ripens in early July except where growing at higher elevations. I believe the berry is more coastal but then again I have never picked them any where else but Vancouver Island. I can post a photo of the blossom soon if there is no identification as I would really like to know the scientific name for these berries.
I researched the name and found that Rubis ursinus is truly the vine that produces the Black Berry that I have been picking all these years. Thanks for the information.