Why is my "Red Dragon" turning green?

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by Sexysgirl, May 31, 2009.

  1. Sexysgirl

    Sexysgirl Member

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    Colorado Springs, CO
    Hi All!
    I posted this somewhere else but not sure if it's in the right place! =)
    My Husband & Kids bought me a beautiful "Red Dragon" Acer palmatum dissectum for mother's day my daughter re-potted it into an equal mix of compost, vermiculite & peat moss, and now it seems to be turning green on the ends...
    I've tried to research it and some posts and such say that it should keep it's color throughout the year but yet others say that depending on the species it could go from green to red, others have said that it could turn green if there's too much nitrogen-can someone clarify and let me know if I need to do something to fix it?
    I'm in Colorado and it receives good water, morning sun and partial sun in the afternoon...

    Thanks for any help!
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Commercial sources and others mention particular cultivars having good color retention precisely because it is usual for purple-leaved Japanese maples to go bronze or partly green during summer. How well individual specimens meet the desired goal of staying entirely strongly purple varies with site conditions. Especially in a hot climate maintenance of the same level of coloration as in spring should not be hoped for as it often will not occur.
  3. Sexysgirl

    Sexysgirl Member

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    Colorado Springs, CO
    Thank you for your reply!
    I've always love them and it's such a beautiful little thing, I wanted to make sure I didn't kill it! =)
    Thanks a Bunch!
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