Hi I have what I believe to be a Madagascar Dragon Tree and it doesn't look too well. I don't know what I've done wrong but I really want to save it. I don't know if it's overwatered or underwatered and it hasn't been in a dark room or under constant direct sunlight either. I placed it on a windowsill for better lightning for the pictures. It originally had 4 stalks but two of them have been cut off. What can I still do for this plant? Thank you so much for anyone who is willing to take the time to help me with this!
Well, I know what I would do, but do not know if it's really good advice. It's not assured to be successful, but these plants do root easily. I would cut off both stalks about 5 or 6 cm below the bottom leaves (the bent one, I would cut above the bend) and push them into new soil. Or split them up into separate but smaller pots. Water and feel how heavy the pot is. Don't water again until the soil is dry on top and feels considerably lighter than when it has been watered, but not so light that it is bone dry. Don't fill the pot quite so high with soil - leave at maybe 2cm above the soil line, and make sure the soil has something in it for aeration - are people still using perlite?
The bottom portion of the plant is dessicated and is probably dead. I would also cut and propagate the top portion. UF > IFAS > MREC > Apopka - Dracaena Production Guide
Thank you so much for your advice but I don't understand why it's dead. Also from where should I cut the top? I'm sorry if I'm asking silly questions. Thanks in advance!
"I would cut off both stalks about 5 or 6 cm below the bottom leaves", from my first post. You could check to see if there are still roots on the old stalk - maybe at some point it was overwatered and they disappeared. Or something ate them.
Thank you! I will cut the top to try and save it and I looked at the Roots. They where completley hollow so it looked pretty bad. But thanks again for all the advice.