I bought this Bloodgood maple in late August 2018 from my local nursery. It is 7 feet tall and the leaves were red when I planted in my backyard. It is facing south with morning and late afternoon sun. I fertilized it with Osmocote 15-9-12 in Spring. During summer and up until now late October and the leaves are still dark burgundy colour. Just wondering if it will ever change to red. I am located in Vancouver. Thanks for your help!
@Yellowcat good evening, the reasons for your Bloodgood not turning yet can be from a number of reasons, but mainly it is mother nature. For example no frosts and just too warm. The other thing you mentioned was fertiliser, now over fertilising can cause a problem with Autumnal colours. Was it just Spring that you fed it? If so that is fine, but any later I would not reccomend. This season maybe dark red then brown then they drop, but next year all will be well. But do not over feed.
OK, that is good. So now I'm afraid it is down to the weather. These warm Autumns we are all experiencing can play havoc with the changes in colours. There is nothing that can be done to alleviate this. Also the dark reds IMO are more prone to this sensitivity. So it will come down to patience and keeping your fingers crossed. Sorry I don't have any better thoughts for you on this.
Acerholic, Thank you for your help! I forgot to mention there were small yellow ants activity in late summer around the base of the trunk and on the trunk but there was no aphid on the leaves. I sprinkled some ant killing powder around the base and the ants were gone.
@Yellowcat interesting about the ants, but that would not cause the Autumnal delay. But is a possible sign of Aphids as ants love the honeydew. Your eradication seemed very effective. Definatly something to keep an eye out next Spring, as Aphids cause so much damage to new shoots. Let's hope you get some colour changes in the next week or so.
I'm not far away from Vancouver with a collection of Japanese maples in landscape plantings and in pots. Very few are coloring yet. The chill over the last few days will likely change things.
Thanks all for your reply. My neighbourhood Japanese maples have all gradually changed to fall colour two weeks ago.
What's wrong with ants? I think ants do no harm compared to the pesticides that killed the ants! But that's just me.