why is my majestic palms ends turning brownish.....yellowish. I've had them for about a month and was watering them about once a week.....now not all of the branches are like that...only some. now i am watering them 3 times a week and i've put mulch on them. at the base i removed the mulch from around it. i am also putting some miraclegro continuous release pebbles.... i think its 10 10 10. I used landscaping mix and gympsum to plant them in the ground. any ideas?? OH! one more thing why is my bouganvillia looking like that?? thanks.
Is that on one of your old fronds? Perhaps its just sun and wind burn....if its on one of the old leaves I wouldn't worry too much, but if it is on a new one, that is a different story... Ed
Sorry to say Majesty palm does not make a good houseplant. http://mgonline.com/majestypalm.html Looks like your bougainvilla could have bacterial leaf spot. http://www.doacs.state.fl.us/pi/enpp/pathology/pathcirc/pp343.pdf Here's how to grow bougainvillea. http://www.maasnursery.com/bougainvillea.htm Newt
yes it is the old fronds not the new ones. i bought some palm food and the spider mite and scales insecticide.....i putting it one tomorrow. thanks.
Well I bought the insecticide at loews...this one kills spidermites, scales, etc. and i also bought it palm food....hopefully it gets better.