hey i just relized i can ask you all if in cutting with a chain saw the dead looking branches on a 60ft treeis ok i dont know how old it is the house is a slpitlevel and the tree is twice as tall. way up high the tree has forked and one fork is dead the crows,ravens,and when we are forunate eagles land and perch but i am thinking for the health of the tree should it go,does it take energy from the tree? i only moved here 3yrs ago and we do fertelize it everyspring with spikes,the base is10 ft round.shes a beauty!
Leave them for the birds unless they may fall on a building, vehicle, livestock, pet or person. Do not climb up into tree and start waving chain saw around without appropriate additional equipment, procedures and training. Do not fertilize with spikes, they are inefficient. Do not fertilize with anything without sampling soil and having it tested, following soil analysis report recommendations. Do protect root zone of tree from compaction by mulching with wood chips.