
Discussion in 'Garden Pest Management and Identification' started by maximus, Mar 17, 2007.

  1. maximus

    maximus Active Member

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    Sydney, Australia
    ok so yes i am lazy, i got a few minutes before i go to work, and i cant be bothered searching the posts yet, will do wen i get home, but incase any1 wants to be helpful, i have these damn white flies all over my mint/s and herbs, and i cant for the life of me get rid of them, they seem to attack everything they can get to, they just got onto my habinero plant and now that seems to be losing its leafs, can someone direct me to any links here on how to get rid of these damn things, ive used soap sprays and mixed with garlic/ginger and nothing, im thinking of going chemicals for these bastards.... someone please help meee!! :) thanx
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2007
  2. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    As usual, Newt provides some good information in this thread

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