Hello, Please bear with me as I'm new to outdoor gardening and I've found myself with a lot of plants ,and plans but I really don't know anything. I have a bad feeling I know the Awnser to this question, but can someone please let me know whats happening to my newly purchased Roto. I grabbed it at the Vandusen sale and it had really pretty pink flowers. and new growth coming.. so I thought it must be "healthy" since seeing the white on this plant I realize I need to find out what this is. I was going to replant it into a slightly bigger pot this week, but thought I should figure out what this is first. Can you help? What should I do? My BIGGEST worry is whatever this could be spreading to the other plants it's been living close to for the last 2 weeks. Yikes! IS this a possibility? Thank you so much!
It's just normal for that plant, nothing to worry about. Hairs on the top of the leaf are called tomentosum, and on the underside, indumentum. It's especially noticeable on new growth.
Well this is a relief! Thank you! I was about to repot it but didn't want to do anything until I had a better idea of what was happening.
I just brought it inside to get a better look at and take the photos. Also it had a lot of pink flowers that had started to wilt so I wanted to dead head them by the sink. It's living outside on the balcony.