Most of my mushroom pictures taken a month ago show minimal features for ID. This is one of the few that have a bit more features shown. I do not know the smell nor the spore colour, but hopefully what is captured may lead to something. White funnel fruit body with coarse white gills that go down a light greenish stem.
Hi David - This looks very much like Ampulloclitocybe clavipes, but I am not certain. There are a lot of Clitocybes, a group usually called funnel-caps, and mature mushrooms in this group often flare upward in this way. Odour can sometimes be helpful with this group.
Hi Frog, Thank you for the ID. ID of mushroom could be overwhelming for the inexperienced. A given specimen or image of a mushroom is a snapshot of a phrase of its life. The shape and colour could change drastically during its life cycle. One has to see many live samples before being comfortable with ID. I was at the Mushroom Show at Richmond Nature Park recently. Specimens picked hours or days before the show looked quite different from live mushrooms in the field. It is far more difficult than IDing birds in most cases.