Please see attached images that show a powdery white mold-like substance showing up in the last couple of weeks on two plants: first is a Sweet Pea (note adjacent Scarlet Runners not affected), and then our Lilac which is located several meters away. Nothing else of our numerous trees, shrubs, and flowers are affected. Grateful for any diagnosis and advice, thanks, Michael.
Looks like powdery mildew. Spray with fungicide. The plants might look unsightly but the mildew won't kill them. To help prevent mildew, plants should have plenty of air and not be crowded by other plants.
Thank you Diane. The one thing that's new this year is, we let our little boy water the Sweet Peas, which means lots of water on the leaves overnight, and we have a sprinkler near the Lilac so the foliage is getting wet there too, and there is a bit of crowding. Will try to keep foliage dry and do some pruning. best, Michael.
Micheal, How's your sweetpea doing? And what variety did you plant? I'm trying to grow sweetpea vine. I know it's an annual, and I'm hoping it'll climb on our ugly fence in the backyard. Thanks btw, try not to water your plants too late in the evening. I find mildew builds up. try watering around 530-630pm.