I was once again, hiking in Oregon when I found this mushroom a bit off the beaten track. It was roughly 1.5 to 2 inches in height. It was thin and lead up to a "flower-like" crescent. The soil was moist and contained alot of Nitrogen and shade was abundant. The mushroom was so white, it almost appeated transluscent. This picture is a bit fuzzy.
When you say "flower-like", do you mean the ends of the cap were pointing upward instead of down? What do you think of Coprinus lagopus (another photo)?
there was much less distinction between the cup and the stalk of the fungus and in addition, the entire fungus was completely white, with no other color... much more stout in appearance. more "waxy"
It's a little difficult without good focus, but the shape and translucent stalk I see on the one puts me in mind of Pseudohynum gelatinosum. http://scarab.cordley.orst.edu/shrooms/webpages/text/pse_gel.html http://www.mushroomexpert.com/pseudohydnum_gelatinosum.html
It's great to be of help. So....does this mean I can get out of the "seedling" stage? Or at least get to be a "Spore" or something :lol:
Well, I will admit that the "seedling" title is a bit biased toward most green plants... perhaps make some suggestions in this thread? http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=12791