ive just moved into my new house and these 2 plants arent growing well..Im new to gardening and I need advise to eradicate this problem..Your help is greatly appreciated!
The yellow spots are supposed to be there - it's a variegated plant. Not sure what the white stuff is, as the pic is a bit blurred, maybe scale insects.
yes, the yellow spots are part of the normal coloration - no need to worry about it!! the white stuff - i wouldn't say it's scale as that's usually brown. could be mealy bugs - although, they usually nest at the spot where the leaves join the stem/branch/trunk, so i don't think it's that either. could be something left over from something that hibernated for the winter. you can try a q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol and rub it along the white spot - if it is some type of active infestation, that should get rid of it.
If rubbing alcohol alone doesn't do it, try a solution of aspirin in vinegar. That knocked something very similar off my crotons (although I grow different varieties than you do)