Hello I need some help. I have a rodo with a ton of white fly. Last year I was out there in the spring with my homemade insecticidal soap. I did get some control but "burned" all my new flower buds. This year I "washed" every leaf (underside too) and again got some control. Now with fall clean up their back more than ever. What can I do? My rodo leaves are now turning yellow and dropping. Is there anything I can do over the winter to get an early start on total eradication? Thanks M
If you are going to make your own "soap" I recommend only using Ivory Snow. It won't burn if you mix it right. Can you post a picture? It sounds like some-thing is causing plant stress. "Dropping yellow leaves" could be a number of things.
Thanks for the response . I'm out with the good weather we've had finishing the fall clean up. Now with the rains....I'll get photos ASAP. The white flies love to make a cloud...I'll see what I can capture digitally.