Probably, L. formosa:
Cool, thanks, definitely looks like that although, I forgot to mention, photo was taken in NZ. A quick Google search shows there are several types of Libertia that are endemic to NZ, and it looks suspiciously like a Libertia peregrinans. Could it be?
Libertia peregrinans was my 1st thought. Most Libertia have ordinary plain green leaves. While Libertia peregrinans leaves are various colours, shades and tones. Not sure of the correct terminology.The colour is far more intense at times. From what I can see of the leaves in your pic that seems to fit. We planted maybe 3 plants plants in a bare patch of shady woodland in our garden several years ago. They spread by creeping underground roots ( horizontal stolons)to form a huge area, choking everything in their path. Last winter it took over 5 hours to hand weed them all up. They filled a gap..... but they should be sold with a health warning. Beware. Other Libertia are by comparison well behaved. Just forming one large clump.... which seed all round the parent plant! This link says it is nationally vulnerable in NZ! Amazing. Had I known that I could have sent them a container load . They were an invasive alien here!