I dug a whole lot of perennials from my old yard and planted them in my newly created garden at my new place and I don't remember this plant. Can you help me identify this plant? (I want to make sure I haven't planted an invasive weed.) Thanks,
It will spread on you, but it's such a lovely plant that personally I wouldn't mind that. You can prevent this by deadheading before it has a chance to make seeds.
You are both amazing. Thank you so much. I agree it is a nice plant but it surely wasn't planned for the hummingbird garden. I didn't remember buying anything like that either. I was reading that it has lateral as well as a tap root. I am leaning toward removing it but wonder if it would regrow from the roots. Thank you again for the quick response! I can see I am going to learn a lot following these posts. -L
Silene alba has naturalized all around the Naperville/Warrenville area so it's no surprise it showed up in your garden. HTH Chris formerly from Warrenville
Ah! So it might have come with the thistle! I have decided to dig it and move it out and replant in the countryside, somewhere. I can't stand just making it go away. It is much too grand a plant for that. So I will give it a chance to thrive where some persnickety gardener won't turn up her nose at it and be concerned that it is shading other plants, or that it will reseed and spread if she can't dead-head quickly enough. I looked at it agaiin tonight. Lovely plant. Amazing how one labors over what to do with one plant.