I'm new to the gardening scene and to this website. I have found it very interesting at all the questions asked that I decided to join up. I'm in the process of possibly planting white cedar hedges (Emerald Green Type) if that helps. I want to make a privacy hedge between my neighbour. Will these trees work to do this? Eventually I would like them to grow to about 15 feet tall and be very thick. To do this how far apart would I have to plant them if this tree will do the trick. I look forward to reading any answers. thanks!
Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd'. Habit variable but usually some version of a green column. Very popular and very frequently used. If your climate and site suitable should work great. Will probably take some years to reach 15 ft., but big box stores often have it in 5 gal. pots for pretty low prices (inspect for quality before purchasing, timing buying trip for same day truck from grower is unloaded would be optimal). 2-3 ft. spacing probably typical recommendation, mostly it depends on how soon you want them to fill in. Close spacing may eventually result in reduced growth due to crowding, you have to split the difference between this possibility being a problem and waiting what seems like forever to get a solid screen.
Thank you very much for the reply. I think I am going to purchase this type of tree and plant it. I think it will do the trick and will look good in a few years. If anyone else has any information it would be great to read it. As I am new to this I need help and from the looks of reading this website several people have alot more knowledge on this topic then I do.