In our way-back yard in Oak Harbor. Full sun. Captured these in mid-Aug 2012 tooth by jowl with the grass. Included is a picture of "the park" so y'all can see the environment. Again, no water touches this area except what falls from the sky.
@SunniDaze, it's better to do a reply rather than an edit, as people don't get notified of edits, so they won't even know to look for new comments. Ron B will see this now that I've replied here.
AND - there is a tool to edit the subject (title) of your post so you can « copy & paste » RonB reply (the plant ID name) — or just type it in yourself remember to « SAVE » after you edit your subject title i think it is in a little pull down menu called something to effect « thread tools » i often use my iPhone to frolic about in the forums here — so I have attached « screen shots » of what it looks like when I just edited the topic title on a recent request for ID SEE ATTACHED photos — I hope they show up in order
Years ago, I was editing my posting titles and I got a fair amount of flack for that, so I stopped doing it. One reason was that you get given what sounds like a definite ID, you change the title, then someone says, no, it's not that, it's something else, so again you change the title, and on it goes, with these thread titles not being identifiable because they kept changing. So I am suggesting that people not do that. Rather better to use a subject line that will not change - so the locations I think are very useful, and a description of the plant rather than a guess at the name. In the subject line. It's no problem to guess at the name in the text. And text in the body of a posting is as easily found in a search as text in a subject line. And actually, if you're looking for your plant whose name you've forgotten, "fluffy yellow wildflower" will probably be more recognizable as the posting you want than "Sonchus asper" or "spiny sowthistle". Of course some times there are typos in the title, or some other problem that should be fixed, and it's fine to do that. I don't know who all gets that option, and whether it persists or ends at some point, but I'm able to change titles on request.