I was given this to identify as all the tags at the garden centre have been removed by customers. It was originally labeled as Angelica gigas but I have my doubts. the foliage is typical angelica, pinnate with red petiole but is dull in colouring. it is approximately 30-45cm tall and looks like it is monocarpic. each plant terminates in a flower head like this. the head is approximately double the size of a $CAD2 about 2-3cm across. I have tried all sorts of keys and books but have drawn a blank. if anyone can help I's appreciate it
Scabiosa columbaria var ochroleuca, could be another variety of Scabious (i've no idea of the availability in your area)
Oscar thank you for the identification I will move these to the appropriate selling area. it is not common but there are a couple of growers in the Vancouver area that have this as an offering. usually in their weirs and wonderful stuff Just shows you how people in a retail setting will move labels and tags on yah thanks again
I happen to have some photos of Cephalaria gigantea which you can compare, although they're not quite as close up as yours. The point of the second one is that it grows quite tall relative to Scabiosa, although a division that I have in a pot has stayed much shorter. As an aside, anyone who read my previous posting about a giant conifer in the neighbour's yard... that's it in the background :-)