Does anyone know where I can buy winter peas? Check on west coast seed website and nothing there. Thank you for any information you can give me.
i am not exactly sure what you mean by winter peas - do you eat the pod or shell these peas? have you looked at Pacific Northwest (out of Vernon BC ---- I assume they still exist) or Stokes ---- i agree with you - my "go to" would also have been West Coast Seeds.
just read an article in Mother Earth News about Austrian winter peas. You just eat the shoots, I think and use them for ground cover, etc. Just wanted to try some to see how they tasted. Thanks for your response. Will check out website you suggested. Cheers,
oh I get it now - you mean like this - botanical name: Pisum arvense "Austrian winter pea" or "field pea" unfort, I don't believe it's legal to bring seeds over the border is it? maybe call West Coast Seeds and ask them. or a farm supply store? I mean, isn't this the same seed they use to grow "pea hay" (I buy small bags of fall rye seed at our local farm and garden supply) Maybe call Buckerfields or Otter Co-op ---------------- here is more info here is an article from BC Living mag but no sources listed here is a Cdn source - then again, you will likely have a massive farm truck backing in to your driveway if you order (ie huge quanitities, not little packets for home farmers)
Not sure about the winter peas, but I have had pea shoots in salads and sandwiches purchased at local eateries. They just sprout ordinary garden peas and harvest the shoots. You can harvest a few cuttings from a tray of peas. It's very easy to do this indoors in a small space. Try a search for "pea shoots" or "pea sprouts". Pea sprouts are a wonderful alternative addition to a sandwich.
i was recently at the farm and garden supply in our small town - and they sell a mix of "fall rye, field peas" and some other crop - I can't remember so likely this similar product would be avail at other farm & garden stores