Hi all, I would like to buy a mature (1-3 gallon) frost proof gardenia. I know that there are a few US companies that sell them (brighterblooms.com and Fast Growing Trees Nursery, for example), but I haven't found a Canadian source yet. Can anyone recommend somewhere where I might be able to buy one. (I don't mind paying for shipping, but I don't know how to get permission to bring a plant across the border, so it would have to be within Canada.) Thanks!
Hi Epiphany, I have never source one out. Have you tried with the nursery on Salt Spring Island. It is www.thimblefarms.com. They have alot of unusual and hard to find plants. Also Pheonix perrennials in the lower mainland, might be a good try. Hope you can find what your looking for.
Ask the agriculture ministry about bringing one in. If the supplier does not want to bother with this you may have to drive down here and get it yourself, present it at the border for inspection. This is a Hines Horticulture item, they went out of business. Existing stocks may be all that we will be able to buy until those run out, I don't know. A few months ago a large independent garden center here was already telling people they could not get it anymore.