I have a few plants that I need to trim. Wandering Jew, Ivy's, Philadendrum(I'm not sure how to spell that one, lol) I'm just wondering where I should make the cuts, so that they still grow nicely.
The spelling is "Philodendron" Are you asking how to do cuttings or trim? Well, trim both for aesthetics and so that you can make cuttings. All 3 of those plants are very easy make from cuttings. All those plants have "nodes", which are the lumps where the leaves come out. So long as at least one, if not two, are under the soil they should do fine.
Make your cut just above a leaf node so the remaining plant looks nice. Be sure to have at least 3 nodes on the piece you cut. Pull off all leaves except the top 2 or 3 leaves on the cutting, and bury the stripped stem in moist soil or place in a small vase of water that is not made of clear glass (roots prefer dark). It's best to place the cuttings in bright light, but not direct sun. Good luck.