Hey all! I have a quick question. I brought my lemon tree inside last week and it appears to be doing quite well. I was just wondering though, if and when should i discontinue fertilizing? If i stop fertilizing, won't the plant die, as it needs to "eat"? I have been fertilizing every time i water the tree which is about once a week. Thanks for all your help!
I can only tell you what I know about inground citrus in NW Florida (zone 9). The recommendation is that we stop fertilizing between Sept to Feb. You also need to make sure you use one that is for citrus with micronutrients If this is your first citrus--water may be much more important to get correct. You should search tie forum and read about watering container citrus.
Citrus trees grown outdoors in warmer climates, are not fertilized after Septemper do to the fact that new growth is not wanted when there is a possibility of a frost. New growth that has not been hardened off is easily killed by the cold weather. However, this does not apply to containerized trees, because they are taken indoors where there is no danger of frost. I would continue to fertilize throughout the winter months but at 1/2 the normal rate, because of the lower light levels. If you fetilize every week, you are way over feeding the tree unless you apply the fertilizer in very small dilutions. - Take Cae. - Millet