When it is not the tree you expected it to be

Discussion in 'Maples' started by richardbeasley@comcast.net, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. richardbeasley@comcast.net

    richardbeasley@comcast.net Active Member Maple Society

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    Piedmont Virginia
    I have bought three Fireglow, the last one was installed in February of this year 2009. This was my fist tree to be planted at this estate, when it leafed out it was anything but a Fireglow. I told the owner I would replace it in the fall, do ya think the owner would want me to plant another tree, well maybe? When I checked on the tree three + weeks ago due to freezing gale force winds or winds exceding 35 miles per hour. I told her this was not a fireglow, she said the tree was fine, however I did see where another landscaper had installed some trees and shrubs. On the other hand I don't call myself a landscaper and the other guy did not show up with wind blocks. When I bought the tree, I was told by the expert ( they only graft and sell J.maples) that the bark was-not the right color for a red tree, he was insistent that the bark did not indicate the cultivar. Now this nursery has about 10,000 J. maples for wholesale the biggest on the east coast, so I gave him the befit of the dough and did not have an argument. The argument may have gotten pretty heated and I would have lost no matter what, I fully understand that idea now, due to currtent events. The retail price for that tree was 450 dollars. It is not a Fireglow, and it never seems to be, I think I will give up on the luminescence feature. I am sure I can get my money back but it will kill a day. Maybe the owner will tag a real Fireglow and can buy it for next years plantings. It is much too hot in Virginia to receive or plant any trees now. Anyone shipping trees to the south should realize this, a wee bit too much this or that and it is a dead tree. All I can say is THANK GOD for Phyton 27 no one should ever leave home with out it. http://www.xeroton3.com/ Hello everyone have a good spring and don't fertilize those trees in the summer and don't use fish emulsions if the soil temps are above 10 degrees. One last thing, antioxidants prevents leaf scorch (and opacity of the lens or cataracts)use fulvic acid, it will neutralizes radiation as in all types. I used the word neutralize because it is the best definable expression for what it does.Well I think I will have a cup of coffee, I heard it had antioxidents in it. I have to get out of here it is way too hot for my trees as in Virginia.

    So what color is the bark of a red tree, and why does fish emulsion kill my trees in the summer? Also why don't people use phyton 27? I saved two trees this spring with this stuff, it works every time and that tree is worth more then you think.
  2. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    Never use fish emulsion anyway, it is very bad (lethal, in fact) for fish.
  3. richardbeasley@comcast.net

    richardbeasley@comcast.net Active Member Maple Society

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    Piedmont Virginia
    You are very correct, the fish in these emulsions are Menhaden. The menhaden in the Chesapeake bay has dropped some saying to critical levels yet the fisheries remain open here in Virginia. This impact of lousing these fish will effect the entire ecologically systems making them a critical species fish. Only this state and in North Carolina allows for the huge drop net fishing to haling in tons of these filter feeders. So all of you that just doped two fish oil capsules are adding to the decline, don't stop taking your fish all just don't use the menhaden fish oil. Think your chicken is not as good as in the old days, well I guess not they are fed menhaden, so are the pigs and cats and dogs, it seem like we all consume menhaden. They are the perfect fish, no heavy metals, they are cheap, and provide ton of high quality protein.

    As a boy I knew we were on the way to the bay when the whiff of dead rotting fish caught my attention witn out delay. I though oh boy we will soon be in the water, in or boat. Maybe that is way I find the shore unapealing the smell is not poltite, the boat smoked and then it would croke, barren, generally void of things green and lush, it stinks and it has sharks, and I don't like em, even in a boat, nor do I like them in a flot, I don't likem in a mote I do like sharks on the coast I don't like em, no not at all. When I am home off the water, it has no pull on me, the smell of squid is not dear to me, the sight of sick hands sliding in their.... from bow to stern is far from me, in your minds eye keep those waters ever pure and blue and I dare say, I will hav be ah waterman's lost stare,
    pointed so far far o
    ut to the void of what is called a sea.

    I boutht this fish emusion before I was a learned professor of professing the magnificence of the acer, does anyone live in Ohio?
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009

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