I live outside of Wash DC and was wondering when is the latest i could plant in my yard (KO Roses, Azaleas, Perennials, some conifers - all container). Basically I want to make sure the roots get established before the winter. Or can I plant straight into winter (since they will be dormant anyway). Or is there a time frame between getting them established and dormant that I cant plant for a certain period of time. Just looking for some advice.... Thank you.
i would get them planted now - or within the next few weeks. you definitely want them in the ground before it gets anywhere near starting to freeze up and the more time you can give them to get a bit established before going dormant, the better. if you're not sure where you want to put them and/or you end up not having time to get it done soon, you can just sink the pots for the winter and then bring them up once the freeze is over in early spring and then unpot and plant.
As long as they are already in pots I think you can plant anytime until the ground freezes. Only thing NOT to do is transplant. (especially roses)...but we have been having very long mild falls. I have planted things here in December.