I just got yesterday a very beautiful umbrella plant. The soil was very dry and the leaves were dirty so I gave her a good shower. Today she seems very happy. But it has 4 trunks which are about 5 feet tall and I would like to separate her into 2 pots. 2 trunks each. How long should I wait? or can I do it now? Should I fertilize at the same time that I repot? Spring is just starting here, if that changes anything. Thanks for the help!
Not sure what you mean by umbrella plant. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umbrella_Plant A photo would help a lot so we could see what is to be separated.
Here we go! These are pictures of my actual plant. You can see some of the trunks in the 2nd picture. These are the parts I want to separate. I also noticed a snail in there. Is that bad?