What's wrong with my Filigree?

Discussion in 'Maples' started by maplesandpaws, May 15, 2014.

  1. maplesandpaws

    maplesandpaws Active Member

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    KS -> northern AL, USA
    It's been planted here about a year. I've noticed in the last week or so, some of the lower leaves are turning yellow. We have only had a bare inch of rain in the past month, and not quite two weeks ago we had a few days of triple digit temps, with the past week dipping down into the mid 40s over night, with daytime highs in the upper 50s to low 60s.

    I don't *think* it's planted too low, as I don't recall any yellowing leaves last year, and we had a LOT more rain in spring and summer than we've had this year. With the exception of the nearly inch of rain we had earlier this week, I have been watering it every 3-4 days (it is in full shade; very bright, but it never gets any actual sun).

    Any thoughts as to what's going on would be appreciated. :)

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  2. Schattenfreude

    Schattenfreude Active Member

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    6a • Independence, Missouri USA

    It appears that you have a cement foundation. I've had evergreens turning yellow around the foundation and heard it was due to chemicals leeching out of the cement into the surrounding soil, making the soil too alkaline. Try giving the tree some Mir-Acid in the blue box and see if that helps. It's worked with my yews in the past.

    You could also move the tree out further away from the house.

    Please send rain our way!! It's been way too dry here for spring :-(

    Kevin in KC
    Last edited: May 16, 2014
  3. maplesandpaws

    maplesandpaws Active Member

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    KS -> northern AL, USA
    Hi Kevin,

    Hmmm, hadn't considered that. Do you really think that could be the problem? I had no issues with the tree last year, as mentioned. The previous owner had planted hostas, lily of the valley, etc, in the courtyard garden and her stuff was growing fine when we moved in (as were the weeds!). I may have to try the miracid, just on the off-chance that's the issue. Though, I think I may have a soil pH gauge; I'll have to see if I can find it, be interesting to see what it says.

    I know what you mean about rain. We finally had just over an inch this past week, but in April, we didn't even get an inch the whole month, and we were horribly, horribly windy nearly every day, which only helped dry things out further.

    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England

    Wouldn't be concerned at all looks fit and healthy with good colour, if you look at the pics of my two if anything mine would appear to be more lighter than yours.One is in full sun all day(when it's out) the other only gets sun from 2.00pm onwards,both always look this light but they still have the stunning fall colours as per normal which we all know is the main beauty of this paticular cultivar.

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