Got what was marked sempervivum this summer, it grew like a normal semp rosette all summer but noticed when it flowered the blooms came from the side, not the center, of the rosette...not semp like! Tiny little stalks, pale yellow blooms. Now I noticed its got a weird habit...looks like lots of rosettes jammed together. Any one else see this kind of growth on something that used to be normal? If it's not a semp, what can it be, now?
I think you have some that grew into the monstrose form? Which to my understanding, it's considered an abnormal growth, but not all that uncommon in succulent plants. I think it's quite beautiful actually. I only have two semps, and they both bloom from the sides -- I thought that's how they're supposed to offset?
If the inflorescence came from the side, I'd say you have an Echeveria. There are only a handful that have yellow flowers. Any chance of seeing a bloom pic? (If not, maybe you could compare online pix of Echeveria flowers to what you recall.) It looks like it's turning into a crested form. Sempervivum bloom from a center inflorescence, after which, that rosette dies & the offsets live on. Then again, is it possible the inflorescence came from a hidden rosette on the side? Were the blooms in the same shape as a Sempervivum?
Hi Spiffy & Rosemarie. Thanks for the replies. Ithink it's grown in to a monstrose form also but never saw one change from normal to monstrose before so guess I was in a state of disbelief. I agree it's an echeveria if it blooms from the side (had 2 tiny stalks, grew just taller than the rosette itself). This was just one of a bunch of containers, all same color/form/etc., from Home Depot labelled "sempervivens Commander Hay". Any way, thanks again for replying. It's fun to share my little weirdie!