Dear People, Sandy Ao took this picture of garlands at the big flower market in Kolkata, India. Do you know what plant or plant part this is? The garland-makers told her the plant has lots of nectar and she said the garlands smelled like honey. Thank you for any guidance. Julie
Well, it looks like the flower petals and base to me; flower structure on this one is tubular with semi-independant petals. No clue what it is, though.
I asked Dinesh Valke (a frequent submitter of photos to BPotD) to help with this one, since it's near his part of the world and he has a good set of references. Dinesh replied: Compare the photos on here with this one in particular: gymnorhiza developing fruit_800.jpg and others: gymnorhiza
Many thanks, Daniel, Dinesh and lorax. You people are amazing. You'll find more photos and info here: All good wishes, Julie