Saw this plant at work. Love it but don't know what it's called. I think it may also come with burgundy or burgundy-edged leaves. Pencil-thin palmtree-like trunk.
Thanks for your response. I think you're on the right track, but not sure that's quite it. Have researched, and 1 - the leaves of this plant curl, whereas the Madagascar sticks straight up, and 2 - most of the Drycaena family has multiple trunks, and this just has 1. But I think it's the right family, so I'm doing all kinds of research to try to find the right. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Do you think it could be a pony-tail plant?
Don't think so. But you can easily tell if it has a big bulbous base. Your plant appears to be a Dracena. Check google images for additional help.
It's certainly Dracaena marginata. When the leaves get long they droop and the multiple trunks sprout if the top get hacked off at the greenhouse. I would guess yours came from a "starter plant", the small plants sold small, one per pot at nuseries/big box stores.
Thanks so much. I realize that the first person who responded was right. I went to check it out over the weekend. It's just that all the pics on line looked so different! I guess the plant changes as it matures. Thanks for the response. Do you know if they're easy/difficult to maintain indoors?
They are very easy to grow indoors. Bright indirect light and water when the first inch or so of the soil is dry to the touch.
Photo is not clear. It sees to be Dracaena marginata Bicolor Nandan Kalbag, Horticultural Consultant. Visit for confirmation.