What's your forecast for the weekend ahead? Ours is minus temperatures again.... D @LoverOfMaples was saying he's not safe until the end of May. But that is another continent, so perhaps we should be thankful.
It may change or vary slightly though. Yes ofc we are never safe until mid May, but I prefer to forget that and believe we are done : ) We will adapt if the frost come back again, what else can be done...
Get through tonight and it looks not too bad at all for your trees I. Think we are going to take the brunt of the Arctic air. Urghhhh !!
Well I’ve wrapped as many as I can..and bunched others close to walls..my garden is quite enclosed so I hope it won’t be too bad.
Omg I, what a real shame, but I do see the leaves are wet, so that is a help when the frost comes. It's dehydration that is the worry.
Fingers crossed for you R, I've just finished spraying everything as in previous years late frosts. This has helped me before and my friends who put me up to it.
It is ok it was just some snow falling suddenly, we checked the forecast for this night and it says 0°. Just wanted to share the pictures as it looked nice : ) I told her to protected the tree the 2 next days as it will be freezing.
The French forecast for here over the next 3 nights is -3, -3, -2. The European model has -3, -7, -3. The site of the FNSEA (ag union) has -3, -4, -3. We shall see. There's already some damage in the fields, though any pots with leaves are now inside, it's plants in the ground that will rec the brunt of it.
Thanks. They can be wrong 2 days out, but it's worrying. If they keep that tomorrow... There's a big difference between -7 and -3! For the moment, (just took the trash out), 2° and cloudy, so that's a good sign. Thank goodness not all! Just the stuff that is leafed out, but that's still a lot of pots honestly. Things that are tough, like ginalla, or there's really a lot of, like pectinatum, will have to take their chances. At the mo it's going so quickly, I looked at the pectinatums yesterday and thought it would be OK, then maybe 10 are in leaf today... Fingers crossed for everyone!
I like cloud........ but here atm it's -1°C and clear so hope we have escaped the worst. Just checking for tonight into Wednesday and I think this is going to be the difficult one, it's saying-5°C.
Well sometimes a little snow (or a lot) can protect young leaves, lets hope that's the case @Shin-Deshojo Sorry to see it though. We started in the period with a -3.6C, The the Eur model has changed, forecasting -3 tonight and 0 tomorrow. The French model is even better, -3 tonight but 2 tomorrow night. So hopefully a change coming, but everyone thinks a little snow is possible first. Anyway when then converge, there's usually a good chance that's what will happen.
The insulating performance of snow is very underrated, as I said in previous posts, I spray mine with rainwater when frosts are forecast just before it gets dark. This also insulates, as the ice that forms is better than a dry frost covering, that dehydrates the leaves. But that is my method that works for me and others may disagree.
Thank you for sharing your method D, I may do this tonight except for the ones that are fully covered by snow. It is not stopping to snow since I posted pictures earlier, a beautiful little storm of snow, hard to capture the delicate falling snow on phone. I was thinking to bring some of my leafed maples out of the greenhouse to take some pictures and post them in the thread "spring colors" as it is not usual to see maples in leaf with snow. But not sure I can make good shots without a dark background or some fences.
I would leave them inside for a couple more days I. Don't risk the shock. Next week Spring will be here!!!!?????
This is what they do in French vineyards, or at least those that are wealthy enough. If it's too cold so that burning small fires or kerosene lamps throughout the vines won't helps, misters are installed. At worst, in a very sharp freeze, the ice that forms protects the young grape flowers. Of course the rest of people just lose the crop and declare for insurance. Those are the people I know. :). Actually a problem because the insurance is based on the average income from the last 3 years, so if there are multiple bad years it can be very difficult. For everyone except the insurance people, that is.
Pleased to hear your thoughts on this E. This was passed down to me by some very old maple grower friends, who sadly have passed now. It does work for me as it did for them, but not 100%, but I would say in the 80% range. As far as water costs are concerned, I don't have a big garden like you and I do carry out rain water harvesting, so all water used comes from my roof when it rains. We have chatted about this before so won't go into it again. Good luck for tonight, my thoughts are with everyone. D
Our local weather has just forecast snow for us here at 2000 hrs, watch this space. Is it heading from Belgium I @Shin-Deshojo !!?