Hello. Certainly, as long as the weather isn't especially hot and temperatures drop below 0 degrees at some point in the year, it is possible to grow many, many types of maples. The trick is to choose a good substrate hehe :) Spring in Mallorca (Spain) is about to begin. There are already some leafy maple trees (still in full development), and others are waking up. Welcome spring!
@Harcuvar good morning G, great photos and a mass of buds, they are nearly there. Love your pot trolley. That will save a lot of back pain.
Good morning N, your photos are such a delight, I've just woken up and opened my tablet to see if there were any overnight UBC messages. Not Spring photos I agree, but lovely none the less.
Looks like Tuesday is the start of Spring here, the first time temperatures will go over 10 C. Exciting (for us), but I understand most of you are well ahead...
Just turned the central heating on before i go to bed to get the bedroom nice and warm , it's so cold in the north of England at present.
-3°C here last night, not as cold as others on the forum, but cold enough, especially as my trees are moving very fast now. @ROEBUK Heating on at night M, that must have been cold, Yorkshire men are a tough breed.
We had a solid -4 here, still cold with the ground frozen solid. Getting ready to have 7 very old and leaky windows replaced, sure with it could have been done in October as originally planned! Going to make a huge difference in the old pile.
We hit -6°C last night and tonight the forecast is for -3°C; after that the temperatures rise with clouds, wind and rain for the rest of this week, but at least NO frosts. That's what they say now........ and they always get the forecast right !!!!
Trying to snow lightly at present more sleet than anything else , but still cold and very strong winds. Still have early breakers tucked away safely until it warms up a bit.
Finally, the weather here is wonderful and spring-like. Nice sunset too today. Yet, frost is possible till the end of April.
En avril, ne te découvre pas d'un fil. —> Warm weather in April isn't to be trusted. ("In April, don't remove a thread (of your clothing).")
My tallest kotohime that I planted 2 weeks ago was leafing nicely due to the warm days we had previously and then got hit by the frost from last weekend (-3° to -1°). A bit sad but I'm sure he will recover and backbud.
March is the new April, apparently! :) Quite warm here and _very_ windy, some hail yesterday with more expected today. I have started pots outside though, not as far along as Alain but a few are minutes away. I finally got hold of Acer okamotoanum last fall, now in a pot and, quite vexingly, almost burst.
Oh my! I'm afraid we're not out of the woods here either : Maybe an opportunity to take photos of leaves with snow on - if I can get up early enough ;-)
I think we are all getting a bit too excited and mother nature hasn't finished with us yet for this Winter. Didn't we say this last year and the year before.........
lol, here on 12 March! What about the "Ice Saints" Alain? Although I can't remember the last time foliage waited until then (May 11?) to come out. Certainly not in the last 10 years!
You're right, "les saints de glace" that's between My 11th and May 13th : before that, planting frost sensitive plants is a complete no-no, according to the "ancients". I planted tomato plants in late April one day, my neighbourg asked me if I was sure they would survive. Bought some more to replace them in late May... ^_^