My Monkey Puzzle Tree, which I've had for 3 years now, looks like it's dying!! We're going through a heat wave here in BC right now, with temperatures up in the mid to high 30's. Did it overheat?? I'm giving it a good soak of water right now (at the roots), and had the sprinkler on about 3 days ago... Should I cut off the lower branches to give the top ones more energy?? What to do!!?? I'm so upset. I've watched it grow since it was tiny... And even named it Spike...
Not below -20, I think the coldest we got was -10, but it's been healthy as ever, growing new branches, the lower ones fell off, and it looked full and healthy up until last week.
Sad to say... Spike died... will have to see if anyone on here is looking to trade plants for a Monkey Tree perhaps...
Okay, I am NOT imagining this, but I haven't had the heart to pull Spike out of my garden, and I swear it's going green again!!?? Is this even possible?? I have even asked friends and my hubby to confirm, and sure enough, they tell me it's going green again too?! I'm SO excited, and SO hoping it comes back... will update again in a few weeks....
Leave it it may come back. another thread on UBC when I tried to look up die back try putting Monkey puzzle and die back in Google there was more chit chat, Liz
Thanks Liz, my tree was completely brown/crispy dry and definitely 'dead'. But I'm wondering now if maybe the roots hadn't completely died and maybe somehow it managed to still suck some water up into the tree... either way, I'm excited to see if it comes back...