What types of greenhouses are preferred?

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Rothdavid, Nov 16, 2006.

  1. Rothdavid

    Rothdavid Member

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    Blair County Pennsylvania
    Hi, this is my first post. I am relocating from Sarasota Florida to Central PA in the coming months and I want to build a small greenhouse once I get settled in. I have been looking at both the conventional frame and geodesic models and I wanted to know of anyone on this forum could give me the pro's and con's with either greenhouse. I will be in Zone 5. Thank you, David
  2. Rima

    Rima Active Member

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    Eastern Canada
    I think it has to do more with what you want to grow (height, spread, etc.), how much room you personally are comfortable with, how you plan to ventilate and heat the place, and what you can afford. A dome seems like a nice idea, but I would have trouble with space and being able to have shelving, hangers, etc. unless it was enormous.
  3. Rothdavid

    Rothdavid Member

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    Blair County Pennsylvania
    I'm not sure what I want to grow. I see it as a hobby greenhouse, wintering some bonsia, a couple orchids, early spring as a starter house for my garden, some propagation etc... My biggest concern is my ability to keep it warm enough in the winter. The geodesic's seem to have a really efficient system for keeping themselves warm in the winter with little or no fuel. I'd rather spent the money and build a nice efficient greenhouse than to buy a cheaper one that will tap my wallet every year for 3-4 months.

    I've never owned a greenhouse or worked in one. I'm just an avid plant lover with the ability to invest in my hobby when I make the move back to Pa.

    I like the classic look of the regular rectangle greenhouses enclosed in glass but that is probably really expensive to build and probably equally expensive to maintain through the winter months. As I do some research, the geodesics seem to be the most econimical over time to own and maintain considering its a hobby setup and not intended as business.

    Personal feedback from those who have greenhouses would be great. Any advise, photo's, information, estimates of yearly expenses would really help me get a good idea of what to expect and need to be prepared to invest.


  4. Ralph Walton

    Ralph Walton Active Member 10 Years

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    Denman Island,BC
    The dome GH in your link contains many features or options that will make it thermally efficient, but all of these are availble in "conventional" structures as well. Domes lack height at the edges, but so do hoop type houses. Snow loading may be a factor; in a conventional GH the roof pitch can be chosen to shed most of the snow load.
    "Efficient" should take in a wide range of considerations, from intended use, cost, local availability, and on to esthetics (your personal appearance preferrences). There are lots of choices.


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