I have these beautifull red roses growing in my front yard .. they are big and remind me of those old pinweels that the kids used to hold in the wind ...lol.. im hopeing i can get a name of them .. i love em .. thanks in advance .. Marion
I can tell you that in Ecuador they're sold as 'Carmen' - but that likely bears little on the US cultivar name, since they seem to have changed all of them (ie the rose you and I know as 'Peace' is called 'Atardecer' (sunset) here.)
Thanks for the help .. now i have something i can atleast start in google.. these roses are my second favorite next to the Intuition roses i have in the back .. Thanks again Marion
Marn, I've paged thru my copy of "Taylor's Guide to Roses" (1961 version) and came up with - Maybe - "Chrysler Imperial" which says All-Americaqn Rose selection 1953. Flowers: 41/2 - 5 in wide. Deep red. Double; 40 - 50 petals. Profuse midseason bloom, with good repeat. Very fragrant true-rose (damask) scent High-centered form opening to a very full, evenly petaled bloom. Google that and see if it helps. It looks a bit to light(orangy) to be any of the Lincoln"s, but who knows with the color plates in the book. Try looking for a current edition of Taylor's at your local library or talk to a local Rose Society. The Hybridizers have gone nuts with roses and who knows what is what any more. barb
It sure looks like it ... the red on this rose is just unreal .. so deep .. it is just a beautifull rose all together .. Thanks so much for your help .. Marion
Marn, If you like deep red roses take a look at "Ingrid Bergman" As of a few years ago, or so, it was the blackest rose available - very deep red. The Guinnie pig loves it and can chomp it down to stamens and stem in nothing flat. My Daughter is the Rose grower. I can't tell them apart but, glad to be a bit of help. barb
You know Barbara .. I cheked out the Ingrid Bergman rose and it looks exactly like mine .. here is a link to a pic of the one that looks like mine .. the pinweel look .. i havent seen that in any other rose that i looked at .. http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/showimage/173541/ chek it out .. Marion
Marn... I have one bud just getting ready to open. When it does I'll try to remember to get a pic and post it. I'll be interested to see what color the camera picks up. I have noticed the color on so many pics on the web sites don't seem to be quite true. That makes it hard to tell which is which. Bergman seems much darker in reality than the posted pics. barb
Ok cool .. will wait for your pics.. i know what you mean about the color not being right on the web .. im a photographer and i shoot in raw so i try and get the color close.. dont ya love it when they say the color is red but in the pic it looks so orange ..lol Marion
Marn, take a look at the bud in this pic of the Ingrid Bergman rose. It shows the color best. The open rose is sun bleached and the color is off. barb
Barbra yup that is mine .. the color and the spirals in it .. when i looked at the Chrysler Imperial online i thought it was that one at first but nope as they dont spiral .. I sure wished there were labels left on these roses but they are really old .. the trunks and stalks are so thick they look more like trees then rose bushes .. lol these roses are my fav next to the Intuitions i have in the back .. Marion