Hi Shireen: I've been allover the place trying to figure out this Palm. Palms are not my specialty by any means so with that in mind let's begin. At first I thought this was a Queen Palm - Syagrus romanzoffiana by the shape and the color of the trunk. I thought I have seen Palms just like this one in the nursery trade sold as being Queen Palm. Then I ruled Queen Palm out and thought could it be a King Palm - Archontophoenix cunninghamiana instead? Well, I ruled that out by the lack of any visible growth scars on the trunks. Then I looked at Coconut Palm - Cocos nucifera and thought no, that is not it either by the trunk and the leaves also. Back to square one with Queen Palm again. The leaves that I've seen on most young Queen Palms have leaflets that are much finer, almost feathery in comparison to most other Palms. In your first image there appears to be a large, thick palmate shaped leaf which is never seen on Queen Palms to my knowledge and admitted lack of knowledge thereof. I kept focusing on that leaf and thought could this plant be a Pindo Palm - Butia capitata? Then I ruled it out but lo and behold I learned there is a hybrid of a Queen Palm and a Pindo Palm in some of the specialty nurseries and with that I finally felt I was on the right track. Even going though the Palm Society web page I became alarmed that there were several other named plants in the Syagrus genus but there were not enough images shown for me to look at. Until I know different these Palms may be a Syagrus romanzoffiana x Butia capitata hybrid as I am seeing growth characteristics of both plants in the images you provided. I could be "way out there" so keep that in mind. I would hope that a Palm enthusiast or specialist will respond to your question but it is rather tough to equate what these Palms are when most of the images online are showing Palm trees that are older and much larger than the ones you've shown as your examples. Below are some URLs for you to browse through for more information on Palms. The first URL may be who you may want to talk to about your Palms. http://www.junglemusic.net/palmgallery.htm http://www.plantapalm.com/centralfl/default.asp Jim
Palm tree pics here? I think I remember seeing a picture of one of the palm trees your trying to figure what it is here in these guys palm section? Banana tree - Palm trees and palm seeds