hi, I have been enjoying this cactus for years. Each year it becomes more and more unique looking. Its actually soft but still as any cactus can leave behind a memory of touching it. Although I think I over watered it and it may be dying :( its alot more yellow now and the base seems a little soft. First, can anyone identify it? It was in a 0ne inch pot when I got it. Secondly, will just not watering it now, save it or is there anything I can do to save it? Thanks for any help or advice you can give me. monica
Its Cleistocactus winteri (formerly called Hildewintera aureispina). First: move it to a pot with drainage holes in the bottom. Don't let it sit in standing water. Second: grow it as a hanging basket plant instead of trying to prop it up. Grow it in a location where it gets plenty of light and water it thoroughly once a week. It may also be overdue for a good foliage fertilizer diluted to half strength.
ok thanks! I will transplant it today. I hope its not to late.. Its been so fun watching it grow. I dont have alot of luck with alot of plants. so I would hate to lose it.