I have a flowering plant in the cactus family. I was told it was a Christmas cactus but the blooms are much larger. However mine which I have had for 4 years has yet to bloom. The plant does not have the segmented leaves of a regular Christmas cactus. I shall try to add a picture so maybe someone can identify it. I would also like to know about it's care.( I have a brown thumb but it is still alive); and of course do I need to do anything special to make it bloom. This picture is of the "mother" plant. It was on an enclosed porch in central Mn . It bloomed in June.
Thank you junglekeeper. I had no idea the type of cactus it was. My sister-in-law always called it a Christmas cactus but I knew it wasn't like mine. Now I need to find out the proper care so I can keep it healthy.