This curious and very attractive small tree has leaves that look like Cassia leaves, and pods that look like Cassia pods. But the flowers look like Clianthus, or when not open, like individual Erythrina flowers. I'm a bit uneasy about posting the fourth photo, as the next photo I took was of a white-flowered Erythrina tree, but I think this flower comes from the tree in question. The Clianthus pods I've seen in photos are not nearly this long. At the entrance area at the National Tropical Botanical Garden-McBryde, where there are very few labels.
Great, thanks. It looks like a useful tree, according to this infonet-biovision page. I was wondering why the name sounded familiar to me, but I've never photographed it. A different species, Sesbania tomentosa is a native Hawaiian plant known there as 'Ohai. It has red flowers with long pods, but not as long as these pods. Fabaceae.
I think this one is Sesbania grandiflora, more tree-like and with larger flowers than S. sesban. Flowers, young shoots and young pods are all used as vegetables in tropical Asia. In Thailand you see both white- and red-flowered plants.
Thanks, Tony and Ron. I do like the S. grandiflora photos better for a match. So Sesbania grandiflora 'Alba'.