I planted a few Trilliums in my woodland, but some of the tags are missing. The Trillium in question has longer & thinner petals than the Trillium ovatum (also pictured). Any ideas what this is? Also pictured, a small white spider.
Hi Gordo, You might take a look at this page from the Pacific Bulb Society. Nothing jumped out at me in a cursory look, but you might recognize your plant with first hand knowledge of it. It's not a complete list as USDA Plants lists 47 species in the US. You might also take a look at these photos on the USDA Plants page and see if anything compares. Harry
Thanks for the info Harry. There were one or two that looked close, but now I'm wondering if I've got some hybrid form here. The leaves are large & heart-shaped just like its neighbor in this planting - T. erectum I believe, but flowers more like native form.