I have a large tree in my front yard that sheds its bark, has very large leaves (similar to oak in shape) and drops its round (urchin shaped) spiny seeds. I was wondering if its an arbutus or species of maple. All I know is it makes a real mess to clean up after... Anyone know its name?
Don't remember which one might have that bark but otherwise sounds like bur oak, Daimyo oak or other coarse oak species.
Yep, sounds like a Sycamore such as a American Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis). http://www.cnr.vt.edu/DENDRO/dendrology/syllabus/factsheet.cfm?ID=36 http://www.fcps.edu/StratfordLandingES/Ecology/mpages/american_sycamore.htm Or maybe even a Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) except for the bark part and the large leafs. http://www.fcps.edu/StratfordLandingES/Ecology/mpages/sweetgum.htm
Except for leaves "similar to oak in shape" Platanus would certainly be a good fit. If the leaves of the tree are actually similar to maple in shape then very likely we have a winner.
You seem to be describing a Liquidambar tree. Also known as a sweet gum. It has a spiny round ball dropped for most of the winter and spring. It has a star shaped or goat head shaped leaf.
I am looking out at a beautiful red Liquidambar tree right now. It is sourrounded by birch trees that are about to turn gold. Is this what your leaves are like???? http://www.pbase.com/sheila/image/2294675 Liz
Hi Liz Thanks for the photo of the Liquidambar. After looking at the picture I think we can rule that out. These leaves are probably closer to maple so the writer above I think could be right. An American Sycamore. btw the climate must be very warm there for the large palms to be growing so well. I had a few in my yard here in vancouver, canada but because of the snow that hung around this year I lost them :-( Oh well, probably too cool here for them anyway.