What to plant?

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by saltspringer, Oct 8, 2005.

  1. saltspringer

    saltspringer Member

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    salt spring island b.c. canada
    I live on Salt Spring Island. A few days ago, I was over on Vancouver Island working for the day. When I returned, my nieghbours from Alberta, asked the people to who are renting to hire a tree trimer. To my horror, I came home to no privacy, and 8 of my 100 foot cedars were delimbed up to 75 feet all the way around. What makes this worse is that they were not on the property line but in 35 feet in my front yard. I have made a police report and consulted a lawyer. I know I will end up having to replace on my own. It seems that victims continue to get victimized. The neighbours are happy to have light in their property and seem to think that I am just making a big deal over nothing. What I want to know is what to plant in very acid soil, we do not irrigate as water is scarce. I need something that I can use as a privacy hedge that will not take 50 to 75 years to grow. I was also wanting some fall color. I was thinking of some sort of weeping everygreen, maybe some lower sumac for color. Do scarlet maple and scarlet oak take long. I seem to think that the oak would. Any suggestions would help.

    thanks for listening, it helps.

    Mourning on SaltSpring.
  2. saltspringer

    saltspringer Member

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    salt spring island b.c. canada
    Thank you for those that read, any feedback would be great.

    A friend suggested leylandi cyprus.

    Does anyone know if they are drought tolerant?

    Thanks again
  3. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    If they are western redcedar that part of the site is not that dry. Whatever you get will have to be watered to establish and develop rapidly, unless adapted to very dry conditions, able to grow rapidly with minimal moisture. Look at Plant Selection Guide in front of Sunset WESTERN GARDEN BOOK, there is a Plants for Hedges and Screening table there.

    Leyland is a huge, scruffy thing. Try something else.
  4. saltspringer

    saltspringer Member

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    salt spring island b.c. canada
    Thank you, I do want something as beautiful as was once there. The cedars were green from the ground up. I do have some cedar saplings growing throughout the back forest.
    So I suppose they are well adjusted to no water, If they transplant well, I could go the long haul and wait 30 years for some height.

    I am truly saddened and angry at the boldness of some people.

    I thank you for you thoughts on the leyland cyprus. I guess we were going for quick height. We live in the harbour and need a wind break as well.
    I will continue doing my homework.

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