hi everybody! I have about twenty of these 12"x 2.5" tin( i think) cafe coffee day cookie cans . I really want to plant something in them...i can place them on the balcony floor or drill holes to hang them up...anything. Also i preferably want to place them in my drawing room balcony which gets a lot of direct sunlight through the day...so something that can withstand the onslaught of the great indian summer heat:)
Well, provided that you drill holes in the bottoms for drainage, you can plant just about anything in your tins, and place them just about anywhere. Do you want something decorative, or useful? Or a mix? I'd suggest planting your cooking herbs in some of them (it's never a bad time to start a curry bush, in my opinion, and extra fresh parsley and cilantro are two of my absolute faves), and then bright and easy-to-care-for flowers in the others - look at your native flowers first, as they're the most resistant to your summers. Also think about fruit - you can easily grow strawberries in containers, for example.
thanks for the suggestions...was looking for somethinse me if i sound g decorativve really...do u think pothos will stand the sun and heat? what other trailing /hanging plants can i plant? Also i have seeds for Petunia, Sunflower and marigold..is it possible for me to plant seeds in these containers and have full grown plants in them too?
Hello, You might also try growing Geraniums (Pelargoniums) in your cans. They seems to enjoy the iron. Even as the container is rusting they respond just as well. Best, PP
Pothos won't take that much direct sun - if you want a full-sun aroid, try Monstera (although they do get very big) For trailers / hangers, check out the big hybrid Fuchsias, Vinca major (periwinkles), and you can probably also start bougainvilleas.