I can grow various lilies - stargazer, tuxedo mix, hawaiian mix (the latter two being unscented) in pots. Have done for years. what do I feed them? and when? I transplanted during the winter (no green shoots) from an old broken pot to a new pot - and I think I have disturbed their old pot comfortable situation - they appear (judging from older pots still growing) to have preferred a more crowded, well-drained situation (even in a broken pot!) QUESTION - what food should I put on my many pots of lilies (Oriental and Asiatic) and WHEN? One website from a llily grower in AB said "tomato food" -- I looked at some tomato specific feed - and it is very high across all 3 numbers - something like 18-18-20 (don't rely on my (in)accuracy but it was high) I prefer a sustained release if possible thank you
thank you - QUESTION - what do I put on other potted patio plants - for example, a rose - and also some grasses (ornamental type) - and most importantly - some chrysanthemums that will bloom near Vancouver BC coast in Aug-Sept. (but are currently about 6 inch tall greenery)