Hello everyone, here's the story: I got this calamondin tree 2 weeks ago and a week ago a re-potted it. Now I'm not sure what to do with this frame around the tree. All tree is wired to it. Should I remove it or leave it until the tree grows? I'm afraid if I remove the frame, it won't be able to hold all fruits. Then again I'm not sure how the tree is supposed to grow when it's all wired to the frame. What do you think would be the best choice? You can see what I'm talking about below.
Personally I would grow the tree in a more natural state and so would remove the trellis. The fruit is ripe and ready to be harvested. You could leave a few on the tree for decorative purposes. Afterwards, without the weight of the fruit, the tree should not need additional support.
I think I will do it. I will leave a few little fruits that aren't grown yet and will see what happens. I don't think it can grow any new leaves now as its branches are all wired..
Thanks Junglekeeper for your help, I think I will try to take care of my tree today and will post a photo of how it looks afterwards.
I came home, looked at my tree and thought that I'm so scared to take away this trellis... It looks so beautiful now... Should I really do this?
The decision is yours; it's a matter of personal preference. However keep in mind the tree will have to be moved onto ever bigger trellises as it grows if that is the route you choose.
What do you mean? I would like it to grow to a normal round tree. If it grows well of course. Something like the photo I added below. What should I do for it to grow like this?
Remove the trellis and allow the tree to grow naturally. You may have to do some pruning though to maintain a compact form.
Thanks a lot! I was so afraid to remove trellis but it was worth it! Turns out the branches are rather strong - I don't know why they put the tree to the trellis in the first place... Leaves look rather week now but I'm sure it will get better in a few weeks. It finally looks like a normal tree :) here are a few photos below. thanks again Junglekeeper!
Looks good. Have you tasted the fruit yet? Roll them between your palms before tasting. I find that if I leave them on the tree long enough the fruit can be eaten fresh as the sourness of the pulp is tempered by the sweetness of the peel.
I've tasted it and its very sour. The peel helps though, it's rather sweet. You know, I was never successful with plants, I usually overwater or underwater them. But with this one its different. Maybe it's because I got it from a very important person to me. I've never read anything about plants and yet I've read all I could find about this calamondin :) Ready to make this work no matter what :)