We live in Victoria. Last year we got a few large trees removed and the drains done at a house that we just bought. We never put the lawn back together. We planted some emerald green cedars to block a bit of the people walking by, but other then that we have left the yard to go to its natural state, which translates to letting the dandilions grow while we avoid looking out the front window. The other day the old real estate agent stopped by to lecture us about the front yard. Like it is "for sale" or anything. So my question is- The soil is very sandy and very weedy and not very level. Should we dig it around, level it off and bring some more soil in and plant grass seed? Or should we say to ourselves that this is too huge off a project for a couple people and a wheelbarrrow and bite the bullet and hire someone to re-sod? Do they charge a fortune to redo a yard? I want to do it ourselves, but I have been told it is a lot of work. How would I know who to hire?
You call at least 3 different companies from the phone book, or from neighbours who have nice landscaping, and get estimates - they will come and take a look at your property and tell you what it will cost to do whatever you want - but get the estimate on paper before going ahead, or you could be in for a surprise when the job's over and they've charged double the orig. quotation. Don't necessarily take the cheapest estimate, do investigate what it is they're offering or suggesting be done before you decide. The problem with resodding on your own (if you've never done it) is not just laying down new sod, you first have to strip what's there, rake the soil to 'aerate' it, then get one of those ride around fat roller machines to level it properly (hard to do without experience), then lay down the new sod properly... not a wknd activity for anyone with more than a tiny plot.