What maples are on your radar for 2016?

Discussion in 'Maples' started by bub72ck, Feb 19, 2016.


    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    Good choice, lovely fall colours reminds me of my Omure yamas
  2. Geezer840

    Geezer840 Active Member 10 Years

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    Snohomish, WA
    Shhh! Don't let my wife know I've done it again. Visited a local nursery for a class on Japanese Maples and couldn't resist coming home with three additions: Akane, Beni Hoshi and a Hupp's Dwarf. The quality of new maples seems to be excellent this spring. I'll have to stay home.

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  3. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    Oh! oh.jpg

    Very nice colour combination, I understand why you couldn't resist ;-)
  4. Geezer840

    Geezer840 Active Member 10 Years

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    Snohomish, WA
    I must check my photos before posting them. As you noted, my wife also collects various 'specimens'.
  5. ChrisProbert

    ChrisProbert Active Member

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    Normandy, France
    Good day from Normandy! Sorry I haven't been here for a while after joining - family illness, thankfully now resolved.

    My shopping list is short, but frustrating - I am still searching for A.palmatum 'Kurui-jishi' - really hard to find here in Europe (which for the moment still includes the UK....)! Last autumn I ordered one from Esveld, but a bit of study proved the plant sent was 'wrong', and two letters of protest received no reply. I could be really rude to them, but don't want to risk it before I've had all the weird hollies I can only get from there! In the UK Packhorse Bridge nursery list it (with other rarities) but don't do mail order.

    Last week I plodded round a Paris plant fair in torrential rain, then suddenly the sun came out, and I saw TWO of my sought-after Acer on a stand! They were very nice, but so was the price-tag of 139 euros each, which was more of my pension than I felt able to spend without Due Authority. Due Authority had stayed at home, as she had twisted her knee while shovelling gravel, and I feared a frosty interview on my return... Never mind: a good soul met on here gave me a contact in Holland - but this nursery now only does mail order through another site, who say they might have it in the autumn. So, it has been a cheap but frustrating winter - they say patience is a virtue!

    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    Have just returned from Packhorse farm nursery on my annual spring trip in what's turned out to be the most glorious day of the year so far in the north of England ,always nice going out for a drive in the country when the sun shines.

    Anyway only went to pick up one tree ( yeah ok!! ) ordered from last year a lovely Shigitatsu sawa , but couldn't resist another Momoiro koyasan and Amagi shigure ,then two new ones for me a Koto -no - ito and finally a Jeddeloh orange must admit i have been looking for one of these for a while didn't realise he had any.

    But in my defence i bought three trees which i didn't have anyway so that makes it ok for me :) my logic!! plus i will be dissposing of a few doubles which i have so that means they will fit in and take their place, also it was nice to see some foiliage on Maples !!! albeit in poly tunnels but still nice.

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    bub72ck likes this.
  7. ChrisProbert

    ChrisProbert Active Member

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    Normandy, France
    Packhorse Farm - sorry, called them 'Bridge', realised my mistake, but the site wouldn't let me edit! That's quite an 'accidental overpurchase'(!) - have most of them, but have never heard of Jeddeloh orange - sounds exotic! I really do need a holiday in Northern England this year - I feel a visit to my aunt in Yorkshire coming on....
  8. dangerine49

    dangerine49 Contributor

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    Long Island, NY
    Hi New Member here with my first post. I've been lurking here for a week or two reading up and checking the posted pics.

    I'm brand new to Japanese Maples and pretty new to gardening in general. Up until this year I pretty much left the gardening to my landscaping company. But four years ago, we lost 3/4 of our trees and shrubs to Hurricane Sandy. I had a 50 ft. pine that finally succumbed this year, had a tree service remove it and had my landscapers remove the rest of the dead vegetation, overgrown weeds and ivy. My landscaping company provided a computerized rendering which looked like decorations on a birthday cake and since I'm currently on involuntary retirement after a layoff, I decided to take on the project myself. I did research and asked a lot of questions at the local nurseries and selected, planted or had planted skimmias, hydrangeas, junipers, hollies, arborvitae, pines, spruces, azaleas, rhododendrons, cypress, cherry laurels, etc. etc.

    A few weeks ago I posted on another non-gardening discussion board about my new hobby, and a friend from VA said I was missing Japanese Maples. He offered to buy me a gift from Topiary Gardens. All I had to do was pick one out. Honestly, I thought all JM's were red. That's all I ever see around here. I was amazed at all the varieties available. So I picked Peaches and Cream and my new addiction began. I have been keeping an eye out and now have four JM's a with two more on order from Sooner.

    My 2016 JM acquisitions so far:

    Peaches and Cream (Topiary Gardens)
    Viridis (Home Depot)
    Garnet (Home Depot)
    Autumn Moon (local nursery)
    Seiryu (Sooner Plant Farm)
    Butterfly (Sooner Plant Farm)
  9. bub72ck

    bub72ck Active Member

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    You have a nice start to your collection with that list. No doubt about it, JMs are addicting. For every Seiryu that grows to 25' there is a dwarf that will stay at 5'. I'm beginning to move my smaller trees into smaller spots in my landscape as I fill in beds.
  10. dangerine49

    dangerine49 Contributor

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    Long Island, NY
    I went to one of my local nurseries for some mulch and spied a beautiful 5' Sango Kaku on sale for half price. I couldn't resist.
    2016-11-06 11.19.44.jpg
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2016

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