I found this at a local nursery with no lable or price. I got a discount and brought it home. I thought maybe it was a Kandy Kitchen, but apparently it's not. Some one local suggested it was a Shaina, but it has 5 or 7 leaves and I read that Shaina is only 5 and the branches are green not red. It gets about 5-6 hours of sun - but is sheltered from mid day sun. Any thoughts?
Liekko, Sorry, I have no idea what cultivar you might have there. Wonder if anyone recognizes this maple:
Liekko From the pics I cannot tell if there is a graft union, is it a grafted plant? The lobes look normal (i.e.: no shortened central lobe), thus if it indeed is a grafted plant, it is not a broom. PtB You show a linearilobum with green branches and twigs (it excludes 'Villa Taranto') with unfolding leaves which look brownish green. I would need to see th full leaves to try a guess. Gomero
Thanks Gomero, I'll post another pic in a week or so. This plant has always been in full sun and in a small pot. It has grown slowly. I potted it up to a slightly larger container last fall and this year it is flushing more strongly than I've ever noticed. Seems like this is the first time it flushed out with the coral-ish tones, it's really good looking close up. In summer the leaf color is paler green and the autumn color is yellow.
Michael, Have you heard that the new 'checklist' shows over 3800 Acers! I believe close to 3000 are JM cultivars. Correct ID's may soon become a hopeless project.
Hi Poetry, Doesn't surprise me. That's why I stick to just species names most of the time. Actually, correct cultivar IDs became a hopeless project years ago, as soon as nurseries started selling seedling-grown plants labelled as the parent cultivar, which of course they aren't.
How much of this is unique to maples, and particularly Japanese maples? I mean, is there an equally bad mess in keeping track of cultivar names of (for example) roses? The thing that annoys me lately is the new practice of assigning special names to patented plants that are different from the variety name, and then registering the variety name as a protected trademark, so that you end up with something like Rosa 'Abraham Darby' ® (Auscot). This kind of thing makes me want to run off a batch of unauthorized clones and offer them on eBay under the name of ... oh, let's say ... 'Kandy Kitchen.'
Hi Kaspian, It is worse with maples, as they are very easy (= cheap) to propagate by seed, and more tricky (= expensive) to propagate by grafting. With roses, it is less of a problem as grafting is relatively easier, and seedlings more difficult.
This is correct but maple enthusiasts can easily check if the proposed cultivars has indeed been grafted. Of course one may always say that the scion comes from a seedling and not from another grafted plant true to the name. Of the 3000+ palmatum/amoenum cultivars I reckon that only about 200-250 are really distinct plants. All the others are just the result of a lack of peer review, or something like that, and the abundance of gullible buyers, like myself, that are ready to snap up any new name that appears in the trade; Gomero
You probably have one of the commonly distributed dwarf varieties that have made their way to market. Common names the last couple of years have been Shaina, Carlis Corner Broom, and Aratama. Of these there are some variations and naming issues. The main problem you will have is that the disease in your maple is affecting the leaf shape, texture and coloration and the leaves are thinner and lighter in color than they should be. The actual name is of little concern as the plant will not be long-lived. I am glad you got a discount and can enjoy it for a bit. You did make a good guess as the disease-influenced coloration of the plant does put it closer to what one might see of a Kandy Kitchen. Best Regards.
"disease in your maple is affecting the leaf shape, texture and coloration and the leaves are thinner and lighter in color than they should be." Galt, Which disease(s) cause those symptoms? Thanks for sharing your observations.
Turns out the locals all seem to agree that this is an Aratama that was getting to much shade. The colors are bighter now and the reds are deeper now that its in the sun more.
Liekko, 'Aratama' is an exquisite plant. I believe if it's healthy you will be amazed by it's beauty. Gomero, Here's another photo of my linearilobum. I believe that it may be 'Red Pygmy'. On the 'Red Pygmy' thread there is much discussion concerning the forms of this cultivar. I see that on the plant i grow the older bark is quite green and bright while the new stems are maroon. Also I a good number of lobes that have a scraped ribbon look. The leaves are 5 lobed.