I just purchased 3 different types of dieffenbachia today and was wondering if someone could help me figure out what kinds they are. I believe the first one is a Camille and the second one I think is a Marianne but the 3rd one I'm not sure. It said it was a tropic snow on the tag but the picture on the tag didn't match the plant itself.
the first does look like camille, and its a very common variety, the second looks like triumph, and the third kinda looks like octopus. hope this helps.
Thanks for the reply. I do believe the second one is a Triumph but the last I'm still not sure about. I looked up both Octopus Dieffenbachia and agleonema and although the agleonema does resemble the plant I have I'm not quite convinced. Do you have a certain website I can go to maybe to see the specimens you may be looking at? I might just be looking at the wrong sites. Or I might just be in denial that my plant really isn't the Tropic Snow.