A girl in my dorm gifted my roommate and I with a new plant, but we have no idea what type it is. Can anyone identify it?
Actually, close but no cigar. This one is Epipremnum aureum . Epipremnum pinnatum has a totally different blade shape. Here are links to compare the two: http://www.exoticrainforest.com/Epipremnum pinnatum pc.html http://www.exoticrainforest.com/Epipremnum aurenum pc.html The info on theses links was confirmed by botanist Dr. Tom Croat of the MIssouri Botanical Garden.
Actually I agree with you but the source I checked said E. aureum is a synonym for E. pinnatum! Ah well not to worry they'll change it next week anyway. Regards Chris
There was substantial disagreement amongst botanists on that one for years. According to Dr. Croat that has now been resolved and the identifications are as I have them posted. But you can still find many articles on the internet which disagree. I respect Dr. Croat's opinion since he is considered the top aroid botanist in North America. And of course, both of these species are aroids.
I compared the pictures to my plant and it's definitely E. aureum. There are some gold streaks on its leaves.